Wednesday, July 10, 2013


You're A Doll!

Back in May, our ladies at church planned and carried out our annual Saturday afternoon tea for ladies both young and old.  The theme of this year's tea was one that is near and dear to my heart - Dolls.  Like most little girls, dolls were a HUGE part of growing up at our house.  My 2 sisters and I loved our dollies and don't tell him I told you, but one of our brothers liked playing with them too.  (tee-hee)  But that's a story for another day, I guess. 

The exact theme for this special day was "All Dolled Up".  Little girls got to come in and go over to the life size doll house and make their very own paper doll to take home.  (Remember those?  We loved our Paper Dolls.  Little girls today don't know what they're missing!)

After singing a few songs led by the vocal talents of Michelle Young, our special speaker for the afternoon was the multi-talented and beautiful Joy Miller who related our lives as a christian women to the different types of dolls.  It was great!

The funny thing is, I had written a script for several of us to act out a play geared to the younger ladies in attendance.  Some of the same things I brought out in my script, Joy brought out in her talk.  It was almost as if we had gotten together and planned it that way, but trust me, we didn't.  After all, those of 'yall who know me well, know that pre-planning is NOT one of my strong suits. I find it much more thrilling to fly by the seat of my pants (or pantaloons, in this case).  As a matter of fact, the actresses for my skit didn't rehearse the skit at all until a few minutes before "showtime"!  Even so, it turned out great and we all had lots of laughs and hopefully the ladies in attendance enjoyed the skit. 

A BIG thank you to my sweet friend Tonya Lively (pictured above), Kendall Lively, Lindsey Tinker, Rebecca McBrayer and Karen McBrayer for being willing to put themselves out there like that with no rehearsal.  Now, that's what I call true commitment to a cause!  I really do appreciate it!  After the skit, Lindsey and I sang a couple of songs, which included Lindsey's version of the "cup song".  Everyone seemed to enjoy that and all I can say is that it must be nice to be that coordinated!  Lindsey gave me a class on how to do the cup part of the song the night before, but I never could get it.  Guess this old cheerleader needs to hang up her pom poms 'cause she sure ain't as good as she once was.  

After all the hoopla was over that Saturday afternoon and I was driving home with my very own seventeen year old Barbie doll Lindsey (pictured below), I began thinking about a few things that I wanted to share here, on my Born To blog.  :) 

Most Christian women can probably relate themselves to some type of doll.  For instance, we may be a Barbie doll Christian who is overly concerned about material things like our appearance and possessions, never really getting past the superficial to the "real" person underneath.  God wants us to be real and look to things above, not on earth.  (2 Corinthians 5:1-5)

Another doll many of us can relate to is that of the Rag Doll.  If we have a rag doll mentality, perhaps we are not valuing ourselves as we should.  Rag dolls generally are the ones wagged around by their owners, hair unkempt, clothes soiled, tattered and torn.  Many times life causes us to become like the rag doll and we are made to feel less beautiful, or less talented, or less precious than other women we see around us.  All I can say is "RAG DOLLS of the world UNITE!"  And know that we are precious to God!  He loves us with all our bumps, bruises, scrapes and scars.  And as for that dirty smock we're wearing, he can clean us up and cleanse us like no laundry mat or dry cleaner could ever do! 

This is me in my rag doll costume!

Hey, remember the "Chatty Cathy" Doll?  My sister Pam had one when we were little.  We sure loved that doll.  Makes me think though, I believe I know a few "Chatty Cathy" types.  You know the ones, that talk, talk, talk all the time?  You don't even have to pull their string to get a big ol' serving of their thoughts and ideas and usually, they are so much smarter and better than my own -  I just clam up.  (Sometimes I can make myself like a paper doll where I just slide up under something and disappear.)  Are you one of those Chatty Cathy's?  People who'd rather talk than listen?  I had a school teacher that told us "You learn more from listening than you ever will from hearing yourself talk."  I believe that.  

But you know, one of my favorite dolls is the baby doll.  I loved cuddling them, putting them in my toy stroller, changing their little diapers and feeding them their little magic bottles, you know the ones that the milk disappeared when you tilted the bottle up?  (I never did figure out how those silly things worked!)  But  as much as I loved my baby dolls, I don't think I want to be a grown up version of my cherished baby dolls.  I don't want to whine when things don't go my way, or constantly complain or have to be babied all the time.  I am a much stronger woman of God than that, aren't you?  

In closing, let me just say that if you are a woman reading this blog, You are a doll!  A precious, precious creation of the Almighty God, creator of the universe!  He loves you with all your imperfections and has the awesome ability to clean you up, dress you up in  his royal garments and give you a seat you at his royal table.  Not bad for a rag doll, huh?  I guess you can tell that I really enjoyed our doll themed event and I can't wait until the next one.  Hey, maybe we'll be PIRATES!  Argh Mateys!  Batten down the hatches and all that stuff!  (If it keeps rainin like it's doing now, we'll all need a ship, that's for sure!)  Bye for now!