Sunday, March 27, 2016

An Unwanted House Guest

A coworker friend and I were discussing a topic recently that I feel I just had to share with my friends and others on my blog space.  As Christians, we would never invite Satan over to our house for a visit would we?  But one night, not too long ago, that's what my husband and I did.  Oh, we didn't realize we had sent out that invitation at the time, but looking back, that's exactly what happened.

It started one week night after supper time.  The hubs and I enjoy a little time to rest and relax after a long, hard days work.  Usually, our two cats crawl up in our laps for some cuddle time and we kick back in the recliners to watch some television.  I remember it was the beginning of a new TV season and we had been lured in by a preview of a new show called "The Following".  It looked like it would be a show filled with drama, intrigue and it just so happened to star one of my favorite actors, Kevin Bacon.   The season premiere really grabbed us and drew us in.  We loved it!  It had it all - a handsome leading man, good guys, a bad guy serial killer who had been captured and put in prison, great acting and an intriguing plot - all the right criteria for an entertaining hour of television at the Tinker house.  We couldn't wait until the next week's episode rolled around.  Second week and the program didn't disappoint.  I do recall, however, feeling a little bit uneasy at one or two points in the show, but I quickly dismissed that when a climactic scene reeled me back in.  By week three, we were fans. We quickly got the evening's chores done and settled into our recliners to view our new addiction.  This week, however, would be different.

By the end of episode three my conscience began to get a little bit convicted.  I believe Darrell and I even discussed turning the channel at one creepy point during the show, but wait!  It was so intense, we needed to see what would happen next!  After all, "It's not real life, it's just a TV show."  (How many times have you heard that or said that yourself?)  Week four rolls around and the plot had taken a sickening turn.  The serial killer had escaped from prison and his "followers" who had been committing horrible crimes in his name had gathered together in a beautiful mansion to welcome their sicko leader and attend to his 'needs'.  As this episode progressed, I felt an eerie feeling come over me, a knot in the pit of my stomach.  About that same time, the last scene we would ever see from this show unfolded. One of this serial killers followers had decided he wanted to sacrifice himself to the killer as a form of 'worship' to him. Plastic was laid out on the carpet (since they were tidy killers), candles were lit and the other followers gathered around.  A long bladed knife was given to the serial killer and after pulling the sacrificial follower  in close for a final embrace, the killer plunged the knife into the willing follower.  The scene was portrayed as a sensual display of almost sexual-like gratification for both the killer and the poor foolish man who had offered himself as a sacrifice.  Suddenly, at the very same moment, Darrell and I both jumped up and lunged for the remote control to get that show off our television set.  We could not turn it off fast enough!  I told Darrell it was as if we had allowed the devil to come into our home, snuggle up on our couch and put his feet up on our coffee table!  (I don't allow ANYONE to do that, old Luce is no exception!)  I'm telling you, I felt his presence in my Christian home!

After all, we did everything to make him feel welcome didn't we? You see, we both felt a little convicted early on in the season but had ignored the gentle tug on our Christian conscience.  Why??? How often do we, as followers of Christ, allow this type of ungodly influence to come into our Christian homes?  Aren't we able to recognize the gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit trying to guide us into the light and away from the rocky cliffs of sin?  He's telling us to watch out, yet we ignore it!  Why do we?  What, are we stupid?  I sure felt that way at this time.

Christians, it's time we start heeding the warnings sent from heaven to guard our hearts and minds against the wiles of the devil.  We live in a dangerous time - a time where it's really easy to get off the path if we're not careful.  "Look out!"  "Beware!"  "Danger Will Robinson!"  (Only my baby boomer friends will understand that last one, but the rest of you can Google it.)  I must say that ever since that night, our television habits have changed drastically.  We no longer allow ourselves to become a sponge for the negative, ugly filth that Satan tries to feed us.  Listen, I have enough trouble keeping my thoughts pure without inviting that sort of garbage into my mind willingly!  I remember when I was a little girl hearing folks in the church talk about that "evil television" and how it would destroy families and homes.  I didn't get it then and thought that was silly.  I mean after all, what could be wrong with Ozzie and Harriet, Daddy Knows Best or Leave it to Beaver?  (Oh, and the only thing I found wrong with Gilligan's Island is to wonder why they had all that stuff when it was just a 3 hour tour and if the Professor could fix a busted radio to contact the mainland, why couldn't they build a boat to sail away in?)  

But now I realize the folks who were concerned about the evils of television understood something that it's taken me 30 or 40 years to discover.  Satan doesn't hit you with all he's got at first.  He doesn't come to us with blaring sirens, lights flashing, wearing a skull and cross bone t-shirt and a warning label. Instead, he appears innocent at first, playing up to our likes and weaknesses.  Once we are drawn in, he hits us with that sucker punch which many times we aren't strong enough to withstand or retreat.  Yes, sometimes he even comes in, sits down on our couch and makes himself at home. And that's one house guest that you don't want to clean up after because he can sure leave a mess! 

Friends, let's be aware of what we are putting into our minds from television.  Instead, let's fill our minds with positive things, uplifting things, and most importantly, Godly things.  There is another guest that is waiting for an invitation to come over.  That guest is at the door of every man's heart - standing there, knocking, just waiting to be invited in.  His name is Jesus and I can promise you he is a guest that you will never want to leave.  

Love you guys!